The logo of the Nanomagnetism and Magnonics research group features a spin wave

The “Nanomagnetism and Magnonics” Research Group is a young team that conducts internationally leading research in the field of magnetism. Our main aim is to explore fascinating physical phenomena in the dynamics of magnetic and superconducting systems and to use them for applications.  

Current research directions: 



Ping Che will visit the group and present her current research with a talk titled "Observations of bubble dynamics in a magnetic insulator via...


Dr. Oleksandr Serha will visit the group and present his current research with a talk titled “Propagation and relaxation of spin waves in...


Professor Xixiang Zhang is set to deliver his talk titled "Switching of perpendicular magnetization by magnon torque in all oxide heterostructure” and...


In their recent publication in npj Spintronics, the NanoMag PhD researcher Rostyslav Serha and his co-authors demonstrate numerically and...


Barbora successfully defended her thesis on June 20, 2024, titled “Edge-barrier and film thickness effects on fast vortex dynamics in...


We are pleased to announce that Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy has been appointed as a professor and head of division at TU Braunschweig. After leading the...


Franz Vilsmeier is going to present his talk "Spin Wave Hybridization and Caustic Beams Investigated by Time-Resolved Kerr Microscopy"


Kaitlin will join us for two months from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Her experience at the Microwave Magnonics Lab, Center for...


Dr. Krhystyna Levchenko, principal investigator of the project TopMag, was among the scientists who go the opportunity to receive their FWF ESPRIT or...


Dr. Andrey TImopheev will present his talk, title “Spintronics: fundamental, applied, industrial”, on Tuesday, April 2nd


The IEEE Magnetics Society counts with more than 2600 members around the world and promotes the advancement of science, technology, and training in...


This year’s NanoMag Retreat took place again in the scenic Sporthotel Semmering. Besides a packed scientific program, in which members of the group...


The Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) and the Research Platform MMM at the University of Vienna workshop on “Inverse-design magnonics” was organized in...


The Wolfgang Pauli Institute and the Research Platform MMM at the University of Vienna workshop on “Inverse-design magnonics” will take place in...


We would like to wish everyone a happy and successful 2024 and invite you to read our Annual Report 2023!