The logo of the Nanomagnetism and Magnonics research group features a spin wave

The “Nanomagnetism and Magnonics” Research Group is a young team that conducts internationally leading research in the field of magnetism. Our main aim is to explore fascinating physical phenomena in the dynamics of magnetic and superconducting systems and to use them for applications.  

Current research directions: 



Asst. Prof. Bozhko will present his talk, titled “Advances in observation of linear and nonlinear magnon spectra” on Monday, June 5th


Prof. Slavin will present his talk “Spectral resolution of an ultrafast microwave spectrum analyzer based on a sweep-tuned spin-torque...


Prof. Mangin will present his talk “Overcoming the Critical Slowing Down of Magnetization Dynamics” on Monday, June 12th at 14:30.



Science and art have come together in our FWF-funded interactive webcomic, “Catching Magnons!,” designed to bring the NanoMag’s experimental research...


The characteristics of all-electrical propagating spin-waves could be tracked at 45mK, allowing further advances in integrated magnonic quantum...


Prof. Dr. Roman Sobolewski will present his talk “Terahertz Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Spintronic Nanostructures” on Tuesday, May 2nd.



Prof. Hari Srikanth from the University of South Florida will give a talke joint seminar of the Physics of Functional Materials and our group


Prof. Dieter Koelle will present his talk “NanoSQUIDs for sensing magnetic fields on the nanoscale” on Friday, April 14th


David Schmoll, Rostyslav Serha, and Andrey Voronov will be Mobility Fellows of the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP)


A snowy Semmering welcomed the group for two days of scientific discussions and team-building for our 2023 group retreat



The Inaugural Lecture of Andrii Chumak, titled “Spin waves for novel information systems”, will take place on Wednesday, 15 March 2023 at the Main...


A paper by scientists from the Politecnico di Torino led by Asst.-Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Riente, and the NanoMag shows the development of a computational...


Vienna’s City Hall opened its doors to the science and research community for the Vienna Ball of Sciences and many smartly dressed NanoMagners joined...


Are you a Bachelor or Master student? Until 31 January 2023 you have time to apply for a chance of joining the group in our research around nanoscale...


Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy will lead the efforts from the FWF-funded Austrian side in order to examine the physics of spin waves in...