
The AG Nanomagnetism and Magnonics  is happy to work with motivated students who wish to write their thesis on the topics covered by the group.

Please find the list of available, on-going and finished theses below.  If you find an interesting topic for you, please contact directly the supervisor. If you wish to work on some other project not covered in this list, please contact us at office.nanomag(at) You can find more about our research here.

Doctoral theses

Name Topic Finish date Supervisor
Fabian Majcen Inverse-Design Magnonic Transducers and Unconventional Computing Systems ongoing Andrii Chumak, Florian Bruckner
Kristýna Davídková Magnonic devices for RF applications and unconventional computing ongoing Andrii Chumak
David Schmoll Spin waves coupled to single photons in the visible regime at millikelvin temperatures ongoing Sebastian Knauer & AC
Rostyslav Serha Quantum magnonics in paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials ongoing Andrii Chumak
Andrey Voronov Magnon-based data processing ongoing Andrii Chumak, Claas Abert
Clemens Schmid Magnetic flux quanta and spin-wave dynamics in superconductor-ferromagnet hybrid structures ongoing Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Noura Zenbaa Experimental realisation of direct- and inverse-design magnetic deviceser 27.01.2025 Andrii Chumak
Sebastian Lamb-Camarena 3D Curvilinear Nano-Magnetism and Spatio-Temporal Magneto Optic Microscopy 04.11.2024 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Barbora Budisnká Edge-barrier and film thickness effects on fast vortex dynamics in superconductors 20.06.2024 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Michael Schneider Bose-Einstein condensation of a DC-pulse driven magnon systems 08.12.2021 Andrii Chumak
Björn Heinz Nano-scaled exchange magnonics 01.12.2021 Andrii Chumak

Master's theses

Name Topic Finish date Supervisor
Philipp Jäge Experimental Realization of Super-Nyquist Sampling Time-Resolved MOKE for Forward Volume Spin Wave Detection ongoing Franz Vilsmeier, AC
Simon Peinhaupt Superconducting qubit-based detection of magnons ongoing Rostyslav Serha, AC
Boris Valenta Advancements in Experimental Inverse-Design Magnonics ongoing Fabian Majcen, AC
Phillip Reheberger Brillouin Light Scattering Spectroscopy at Millikelvin Temperatures ongoing David Schmoll, SK, AC
Stanislava Shpilinska Nanoengineered superconductors for magnon generators and single-photon detectors ongoing Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Fabian Majcen Experimental realisation of inverse-design magnonics 02.09.2024 Noura Zenbaa, AC
Markus Gruber Nonlinear conductivity and flux-flow instabilities in superconducting MgB2 thin films 28.06.2024 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Andreas Höfinger High-frequency antennas for all-electrical excitation and detection of propagating spin waves 16.05.2024 Sebastian Knauer, AC
Aram Sajdak Characterisation of ultrathin Ga:YIG films 08.02.2024 Khrystyna Levchenko, AC
Clemens Schmid Flux-flow instability in superconducting Nb, MoSi, and WSi films 16.02.2023 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
David Schmoll Enabling technology for high frequency quantum magnonics 31.03.2022 Sebastian Knauer, AC
Elisabeth Weiß Propagation of magnetostatic surface spin waves in YIG nano-structures 25.06.2021 Andrii Chumak

Bachelor's theses

Name Topic Finish date Supervisor
Iva Simonovic Characterisation of advanced microwave circuits for magnonics ongoing Kristyna Davidková, AC
Rebecca Klingbeil Automatization of ferromagnetic resonance studies 25.09.2024 Andrey Voronov, AC
Emre Agacdiken Experimental methods to excite and detect spin-waves 24.04.2024 Andrii Chumak
Meret Riedl Quasiparticle energy relaxation in superconductors for single-photon detectors 19.09.2023 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Simon Peinhaupt Vector field dependent spin-wave measurements at millikelvin temperatures 29.02.2023 Sebastian Knauer
Nadine Omar Surface-plasmon enhancement of Brillouin light spectroscopy 15.01.2023 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Gabriel Sommer Cryogenic time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy 15.01.2023 Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy
Fabian Polnitzky Design and optimisation of microstrip antennas for spin-wave excitation 13.09.2023 Andrii Chumak
Fiona Rechberg Inverse spin Hall effect in YIG/Pt heterostructures 26.04.2023 Khrystyna Levchenko, AC
Fabian Majcen Investigation of Backward Volume Magnetostatic Spin Waves using Propagating Spin Wave Spectroscopy 16.08.2022 Noura Zenbaa, AC
Christopher Kimmel The generation of propagating spin waves with the combination of spin Hall effect and spin-transfer torque 30.09.2021 Andrii Chumak
Manuel Alexander Kucera Approaching a current-controlled dynamic magnonic crystal as a logic gate 10.2020 Andrii Chumak