

The "5G-Spin project" funded through the ERC-PoC aims to exploit the full potential of 5G networks by developing magnonic devices for the cell phones...


The publication of the “Roadmap on Spin-Wave Computing” on the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics offers a varied overview on current and up-coming...


Andrey Voronov wins a prize for his poster at the meeting of the CzechNanoLab Users, which was held in Brno and counted with a big participation of...


Our group presented basic concepts of magnetism and some of our projects during the “long night of research”, Austria’s largest science dissemination...


Our guest Prof. Lozovski has been awarded financial help to develop his research on Plasmon-assisted Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) spectroscopy.


The journal Science covers different initiatives aimed to helping Ukrainian scientists, among them the WPI Fellowship for Ukrainian Scientists.


The April issue of the popular science magazine “Bild der Wissenschaft” features some of the research done by the NanoMag under the cover title...


Congratulation to Dr. Sebastian Knauer for the award of a NFFA-Europe Research Infrastructure grant. The fabrication grant will allow Dr. Knauer, as...


During their first week the “WPI fellowships for Ukrainian researchers” have already been able to help 26 scientists in Ukraine.


We are opening a new PhD position centered around performing research at the forefront of experimental studies of excitation and detection of spin...


Prof. Valeri Lozovski will present his talk “Nanomedicine from Physical Point of View. Nonfunctionalized nanoparticles in antiviral therapy” on...


The world stands with Ukraine, the world stands with peace! Here, we collected projects from scientific institutions around the globe aiming to...


The Vienna Doctoral School in Physics will provide him with financial support to communicate and discuss his research with the international science...


The Master student of Michal Urbanék’s Magnetism group at CEITEC (Brno, Czech Republic) will be an Erasmus + intern at the NanoMag group for 6 months ...


Dr. Knauer’s new MSCA Fellowship started in January 2022