The FFG summer internship makes high school students part of the NanoMag


Isabel and Rufus had the opportunity to join our team during the month of July, learning about the research at the group and actively working to communicate it

At the Nanomagnetism and Magnonics group, we strive to conduct pioneering research that can help advance scientific knowledge and its applications. At the same time, we are deeply committed to bringing our knowledge and projects to a wider audience. During the internship funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), two high school students, Isabel and Rufus, had the opportunity to interact with the NanoMag’s scientists; visit the labs; learn about both the current research undergone in the group and; acquire science communication skills.

Mentored by Pedro, our group’s communication expert, Isabel and Rufus spent their time diving into to the world of research and acquiring the necessary skills to communicate what they were seeing and learning. This interdisciplinary approach to the internship opens the door to students with a variety of interests and backgrounds, thus making science and research more available to all.

One of the main tasks of the internship was for the students to create their own science communication products. They both decided to make a video, although very different in their format. While Isabel created a stop-motion introduction to magnetism and spin waves, using a very appropriate dolphin metaphor, Rufus showed some highlights of his internship in a YouTube short.

“It is great to have the chance to work with motivated young people, from whom you can also learn a lot”–explains Pedro–” Isa and Rufus have been really creative in their projects and sponges when it comes to discovering new ideas and skills”.  

Rufus, Isabel and Pedro during the internship (CC) NanoMag