Talk by Tomosato Hioki at the NanoMag


Asst. Prof. Hioki will present his talk “Exploration of various magnon states using magnetization state tomography” on Friday, December 16th. The talk will be live and available on Zoom

Tomosato Hioki is coming to Vienna to visit the group. Besides checking the labs and work of the NanoMagners, he will be presenting his research. There he will present his research on state tomography for magnetization dynamics This  enables the obstainment of the Wigner function, a probability distribution function that represents the fluctuation distribution of magnetization dynamics.

Tomosato is currently an assistant professor in Advance Institute for Materials Research in Tohoku University. He got his Doctoral degree at Tohoku University in Japan, for his experimental work on ultrafast spectroscopy of magnon-phonon coupled dynamics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Eiji Saitoh. During his Doctoral course, he stayed at Prof. Dr. Hillebrand’s group for a research internship. His research interest is on spintronics and magnonics, especially non-linear dynamics of spin waves and development of new experimental techniques for revealing phase coherence and correlations in different magnon states.

You can join Tomasato's talk on Tuesday, December 16 at 10:45 AM (CET) through this link:
The abstract for the talk can be found here!