Talk by Ademir Aleman at the NanoMag


Dr. Aleman will present his talk, titled “Spinwave Brillouin spectroscopy with frequency combs and broadband electrical detection” on Friday, November 17, 2023

Ademir Aleman stay in Vienna includes a visit to our group, during which, besides having discussions with NanoMagners and touring our labs, he will hold a presentation of his research.

Ademir Aleman earned his B.Sc. from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2015, followed by a master's degree at the University of Gothenburg (GU) in 2016. During his early academic years, he worked developing compact optical spectrometers for field studies and later delved into ions optics, mass spectroscopy, and laser spectroscopy of negative ions. After his master, Ademir specialized in laser optics under the mentorship of Prof. Johand Åkerman and Dag Hanstorp, focusing on the implementation of ultrafast laser excitation in Brillouin Light spectroscopy (BLS) microscopy. During this period, he also worked developing systems for airborne droplet manipulation and spectroscopy using laser tweezers, and as a laser engineer for the atomic physics group at GU. In 2021, he earned his Ph.D. whit the thesis “Frequency comb Brillouin Microscopy”. Since 2023, Ademir holds a postdoc position at GU where he worked on phase imaging of spin hall nano-oscillators using frequency-resolved MagnetoOptical Kerr effect microscopy and developing of optical characterization methods for novel spinwave-based computing devices. Apart from his scientific pursuits, Ademir also performed academic studies in classical music, performing and writing arts in Argentina and Mexico.

In this talk he will present my work developing a method called ultrafast pumped Brillouin microscopy, which allows selective laser generation of highly localized spinwave and acoustic combs.

Spinwave Brillouin spectroscopy with frequency combs and broadband electrical detection

F. Ademir Aleman H. (U of Gothenburg)

Date: Friday, November 17, 2023 at 09:00

Location: Kurt-Gödel-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, EG, 1090 Wien

The abstract for the talk can be found here!



Courtesy of F. Ademir Aleman H.