PD Dr. habil. Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy joins the COST Action CA21144


The SuperSpin Lab, together with our faculty's Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lang, join as Management Committee Members from Austria the COST ActionCA21144 “Superconducting Nanodevices and Quantum Materials for Coherent Manipulation” (SUPERQUMAP).


Oleksandr’s group and Prof. Lang’s Electronic Properties of Materials group from the Faculty of Physics will contribute to the COST Action by joint studies of the superconducting and magneto-resistive properties of nanoengineered systems, with particular focus on the evolution of their current-carrying ability in consequence of exposures to ion and electron beams, microwave- and infrared-range photons, nanopatterning, and interactions with quasiparticle ensembles.  SUPERQUMAP aims to set-up an open and inclusive network with a clearly settled goal towards a significant technological breakthrough along the three main thrusts that will lead during next years to a significant progress beyond the state-of-the-art: Quantum materials, new functionalities for sensors and devices, and building quantum systems.More information on this great news for the NanoMag and its SuperSpin Lab can be foud HERE