Bart van Wees at the University of Vienna Physics Colloquium


Prof. van Wees (U of Groningen) will present his talk “Spin waves and magnons in two-dimensions: Emergent physics and new applications” on 15 January 2024

We are pleased to announce the talk by Prof. van Wees at the University of Vienna Physics Colloquium. The talk, titled “Spin waves and magnons in two-dimensions: Emergent physics and new applications”, presents research on spintronics, which focuses on electron spin and its manipulation and has expanded to include spin waves in ferro and antiferromagnetic materials as effective spin current carriers. The presentation delves into spintronics in two-dimensional materials like graphene, examining how spin waves in these materials can transport spin  currents. It concludes with future possibilities in device and application development by combining two-dimensional materials with spin wave spintronics.

Bart van Wees, professor at the University of Groningen, has made significant contributions to nanoelectronics and spintronics. Early in his career at Delft University of Technology, he and his team developed quantum point contacts, leading to the concept of conductance quantization. This breakthrough in electron wave propagation in nanodevices opened a new research field.
Van Wees' work extends to superconductivity in mesoscopic physics, exploring phenomena at scales between macroscopic and atomic. His focus on spintronics, which utilizes electron spin for electronics, has led to innovative experiments in mesoscopic spintronics devices. He has demonstrated the injection, transport, and manipulation of electronic spins, enhancing microelectronic system efficiency.
A key area of Van Wees' research is spincaloritronics, blending spintronics with thermoelectrics. He's notably advanced spintronics in graphene, a strong, single-layer carbon material. Van Wees was first to show that graphene could transport electronic spins over significant distances without losing magnetization, establishing him as a leader in this promising field.

Collaborating with industry and academia, Van Wees engages in applied research, contributing to the High-Tech Systems & Materials sector. He's an internationally respected researcher, recognized with various awards and leadership roles, including the EU Graphene Flagship's spintronics work package. A recipient of numerous grants, Van Wees is also a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow of the American Physical Society and winner of the Spinoza Prize.

Bart van Wees (© Reyer Boxem)